domingo, 22 de junho de 2014

Chakana: A Powerful Tool Of Creation and Twelve Sacred Energy gifts of the Inca Cross


Chakana: A Powerful Tool Of Creation

Chakana: A Powerful Tool Of CreationThe Chakana, or Inca Cross, in Inca Wisdom symbolizes what is known in other cultures as The World Tree, Tree of Life, etc. The Inca Cross carries the essence of the 12 Rights Of Creation via Sacred Geometry. These are the Sacred Energies and feelings that are used to create the balanced essence of humanity. Six of the rights are male and six are female. The sacred balance of these rights allows us to be in our highest consciousnesses of powerful creation. Even more compelling, is with the evolution of consciousness that the Inca Cross offers it ultimately takes you into 5th dimensional awareness.  The Universe is evolving into the 5th dimensional frequency in which distorted perceptions cannot thrive.  Distorted perceptions will become like outdated software.

Age-old mythology tells of the Inca God Wiracocha who knew about the power and knowledge of the Chakana - and that it holds the secret of life. As a sacred geometric symbol, the frequency within (it) contains feelings, values, and constants that infuse Light and explain each of the Ancient Sacred Energies.

The Incas and pre-Incas living in the Andes inherited these energy tools from their ancestors, the Atlantean and Lemurien cultures. The Chakana provides a language of energy that has been protected by Incan shaman and their ancestors who carried the information in their DNA.  These records of light were stored and transferred into the DNA of the shaman who stood for the light. According to prophecy, the Incas, will at the appropriate time, which is now, bring these tools and language to the world in order to create the “New Men And Women In Higher Consciousnes”.  The “new men and women” who make choices and decisions outside of the energy of distorted beliefs and perceptions.

The Inca Cross also contains the Five Dimensional Spaces Of Creation: Consciousness, Subconscious, Soul, Spirit, and DNA. The knowledge and wisdom of how to use this information allows us to clear our own limiting beliefs and blocks created in our energy space during the different life journeys we have had since we were first incarnated.

In higher vibration levels of energy, we achieve our highest goal, immortality, when we learn how to balance our Five Dimensional Spaces Of Creation in the present time. Even though the process will take years to understand, it is a gift from Higher Source to be able to have this information available to us now.

These are the tools that through time have allowed the Peruvian shaman to modify their state of consciousness and journey at-will to the higher and lower dimension levels in order to inquire about the causes of people’s illnesses, misfortunes, or unbalanced energy.

We all have a Tree of Life, an Inca Cross. It is our birthright. Each one of us is unique. Our energy gifts are awakened according to how we learn to use our Chakana. This is the time for YOU to have access to the information of your Inca Cross.  You have before you the opportunity to ready yourself to the new 5th dimension energetic “technology” of the Universe; one with updated “software” and information.

My gifts and connection to my ancestors gave me the ability to remember how to decode the Inca Cross and be able to assist you in your “Creation Journey.”

Walk in Love and Light,

Elena Radford

Original at Elena Radford

22 jun 2014


I have spent the last five years learning the Twelve Sacred Energy gifts of the Inca Cross which will take us back to higher consciousness and oneness. These sacred energy gifts were protected by the Inca Priests. The Incas receive the information from the Tiahuanaco culture, which was the last civilization to have a direct connection with Atlantis. The Tiahuanaco kept the DNA records of the Atlantis Civilization and its destruction, hoping we would someday be open to experience higher consciousness again. The twelve secret energy gifts have the information and feelings to help us to make choices about increasing our level of vibration so we do not make the same mistake that was made by the Atlanteans.

We have been living in a world that believes in dualism and separation, in the process, our poor choices have lowered our vibration and created perceptions that confused us. We have lost sight of life's real nature, or purpose, and our relationship to this purpose. The Sacred energy gift in the Inca Cross bring symbols and codes that have access to key places where the pure energy of creation were hidden during the destruction of Atlantis until the day we remember that life is rich and mysterious, coming together in many worlds and dimensions. That day when we remember what the ancient priestesses and shamans knew: that the form of our visible world has its roots in unseen dimensions. In these dimensions lie the primal energies of life. The transformation or information download is done through DNA.

By doing it in the DNA level, we do not have to take years to experience the teachings. The process may be done in matter of seconds. True transformation begins by removing the blocks and limiting beliefs, then replacing them with new information which will remove damages from societal control. Once the new information is stored in the cells, it will regenerate energy of abundance in the DNA. Abundance comes from the level of the heart. This is the light of life itself, awakening and remembering its own real nature and divine purpose.

1. The Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love

Love is the source of all creation. It is the consciousness that actually forms the created universe, dimensions, and worlds that we live within. When we are in a state of unconditional love we are in a higher level of consciousness. Only higher vibration emotions such as love, hope, joy, and power can exists when you have accepted the Sacred Energy of Unconditional Love.

2. The Sacred Energy of Integrity

Integrity is the energy that allows you to stand in your power and brings into creation unlimited possibilities. This Energy of Integrity will allow you to remember your original pure creation. This Energy is not meant for anyone other than you and will allow you to comprehend real truths about your own self-worth.

3. The Sacred Energy of Power of Being

The Energy of the Power of Being will allow you to remember your own source of energy. Each person is unique and has been created in his/her own source of energy. Through our uniqueness we hold a space for others within our communities to create a whole and more powerful community of higher consciousness. When we do this, each of us within these communities will feel love, nurturing, kindness, and many more energies in creating a beautiful world for the past, present, and future.

4. The Sacred Energy of Acceptance

Acceptance is the Energy that allows you to be yourself for your highest consciousness. Through acceptance you will be able to like yourself, which will open a path to the Universe and Heavenly Father to allow you to manifest what you desire.

5. The Sacred Energy of Creation

By accepting the energies above you can ascend to a higher consciousness and the Universe will align to support the creations that you seek to manifest. With the energies that allow you to reach a higher vibration and the alignment of the universe with your higher good, the manifestation of your greatest joys becomes possible.

6.The Sacred Energy of Pure Power

The Energy of Pure Power brings to you the power of creation as it was meant to be created in our physical body. This energy will allow you to make the best decisions possible with your greatest consciousness in mind, and will drive you to do what is best for higher consciousness.

7. The Sacred Energy of Direction

This Energy will allow you to see where you have been in the past, where you are in the present, and where you will journey in the future. With the goals of what you would like to manifest presently in mind, you will move into the future with these manifestations becoming reality. In order to continue to reach a higher vibration, you must clear the blocks and limiting beliefs from yourself and your ancestors while moving into the future.

8. The Sacred Energy of Protection

The Energy of Protection will shield you from outside contamination from sources of lower vibration by holding each being accountable for their actions. The Energy of Protection is needed so that you may continue on the path of your sole purpose without any misdirection.

9. The Sacred Energy of Hope

This gift allows the energy of creation to manifest your desires through your soul purpose. The Energy of Hope will establish boundaries and guidance to insure that the path of your soul purpose is obtainable and clear of blocks when the time is needed. Without Hope there will be no structure to the path of your soul purpose and the time to continue your journey will never be in the present.

10. The Sacred Energy of Human Value

This aspect of the Incan Cross will turn the knowledge of information into knowledge of understanding, teaching what it means to be human. This Energy of Human Value brings to light the understanding of the importance of the body, mind, and soul.

11. The Sacred Energy of Abundance

This blessing is a state of heart and mind. If you maintain balance between mind and heart, then abundance will be created within your life. This is the state of being happy with whom you are and the life you have manifested. True abundance is not a reflected in the ideals of society, and varies from person to person.

12. The Sacred Energy of Moving Forward and Focusing on the Future

This gift will help you fulfill and complete contracts in the past that have begun, but are not finished. This is necessary so you can create in the present and future new manifestations that will help you reach the highest vibration. By making higher choices we become co-creators of the next era. This is the power of choice; let's bring the future into being the world of abundance.

Elena Radford

Original at Inca Dream
22 jun 2014

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